Thursday, January 28, 2016

We're Off To: Bali!

Today we're heading to Bali to celebrate my 30th birthday! We'll be spending 5 days in Ubud, where we will experience the cultural center of Bali, attend a cooking class, hike on the rice paddies, explore a monkey forest and get LOTS of massages. We will also spend 4 days in Legian where we will relax at the beach, visit temples, eat lots of seafood and take in some pretty amazing sunsets!

Wish us luck on our crazy long flight and follow along on my instagram for updates while we travel.

(Obviously not my pictures - we haven't been there yet! All from Google!)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lake Tahoe, CA

So this trip was sort of a travel fail. Nothing seemed to go our way at first. Our flight was delayed - meaning we got in around 2am our time, rental car line was ridiculous, we waited in line the next morning for almost 3 hours for prepaid lift tickets & ski rentals, I lost my phone on a mountain, we realized skiing is super fun...until it isn't.

But life is funny. As soon as we changed our mindset, things started to work in our favor. Someone found my phone (said it was half-buried) and returned it for me (and didn't even let me pay to ship it back home), we got both nights at our hotel room free (when we should have only had one), we made it flying standby on a sold-out flight coming home. And then small things like finding parking spots up front all day, walking outside right as the Southwest employee shuttle pulls up, finding a couple bucks in change on the ground, etc. I guess attitude is everything!

Heavenly, you are beautiful, but skiing, meh. Apparently Heavenly is not for beginners - and we believe it. Oops! We laughed a lot on this trip, so not all was lost. We have lots of hilarious stories now..."You having a rough day, bro?", "I believe I can fly!" When so many things go wrong, you just have to laugh...or cry until you laugh.

We'll be back to Tahoe in the summer, when we can enjoy the lake and hiking. Until next time! And thanks to my new favorite person in the world, Davante, below are the pictures from my phone that was returned to me!!

Next up: Bali in less than 2 weeks! Where I can properly celebrate my 30th birthday!