Thursday, December 18, 2014

Looking Forward: 2015

2014 was a great year for us - even beyond the travel. I started a new job that I love, Jason has been involved in some big things at work and we just crushed the BCS Half Marathon!

It was also a transitional year for us. We took a step back and didn't travel as much as we normally do - mainly due to my starting that new job. The result is that we are definitely ready to jump back in!  I've been especially reminded this year how important it is to travel while we're young and able, so we fully intend to do just that.

Our Focus for 2015 is: Relaxation

Non-rev travel is stressful, there's no denying it. So, whether it's using points to get confirmed seats (Toronto), cashing in our gold passes (Puerto Rico), going places without any set plans (Iceland) or sipping Mai-Tais in a tropical paradise (Maui), we intend to use travel to refresh our minds and bodies this year. And while we've been more interested in international travel lately, we also want to throw some domestic travel in the mix as well - we're hoping for Sedona, Sonoma and Chicago!

Life is so good for us - there is not one thing to complain about. All we can hope for in 2015 is more of the same! 

 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our family to yours!